La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building
La Floresta Building

Year: 2022

Architects: Juan Tohme, Milena Gómez Luxen, Francisco Lezama, Federico Paz

Client: Patricio Belalcázar

Location: Quito, Ecuador

Photography: ASStudio

Text: Juan Tohme

A new contract between the old building and the new one. A metallic structure that is mounted on the existing one redescribing the state of the new building. A vertical pavilion, an air proposal that can support any type of architectural program.
The typology of the new vertically staggered building proposes the organization of the interior spaces through a staircase and central corridor that connects the front and back of the building, creating a double relationship with the exterior through the arrangement of generic spaces on both sides of the building.